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"The Last Supper" | 2/2 |
The gathering was also a great opportunity for Bowie to celebrate his fame and new friendships with fellow musical heavyweights such as Mick Jagger. But according to biographer Jerry Hopkins (1985) Bowie had reason to be anxious about Mick Jagger's attendance. Reportedly Jagger had threatened Bowie because he believed that Bowie had put the "make" on his wife Bianca earlier that week. Hopkins even reports that Bowie had wanted to cancel the show because of Jagger's threats. However, all was made up at the party and Bowie danced with Jagger and briefly kissed both Jagger and Lou Reed when asked to by Mick Rock who was photographing the event.
Lou Reed & David Bowie kissing?
"This was at the Cafe Royal in London after the final Ziggy gig at Hammersmith. Lou Reed and Mick Jagger, who's behind us, came down. I'm not actually kissing him. If you study it, I'm talking into his ear and he's talking into mine. I'm quite a way over. But it was near enough to a kiss for the press and they all printed it. We were supposed to have been kissing at that time anyway so there was the evidence. No, I think Lou Reed is the last person in the world I'd want to kiss." - David Bowie (1993)
Lou Reed, Mick Jagger & David Bowie
Not to be outdone Angie Bowie and Bianca Jagger were also seen dancing and embracing that night.
"The Cafe Royal party the next night was a great success, with David at the very top of his form; he was pure charm and gentle friendliness, open and happy and gay. And I must say, I had a wonderful time too. The mood was light, the glitter dazzling, the night bright and beautiful with stars and success and serendipity". - Angie Bowie (1993)
Mick Jagger & David Bowie
Peter Cook reportedly did a revue that night consisting of using one single word ("fuck") delivered in a one syllable drawl! In amongst the reported decadence which went on long into the morning hours (Bowie was driven home at 5.30am), a woman called "Laurita" decided to expose her breasts to Barbara Streisand.
Lou Reed, Mick Jagger, Lulu, David Bowie & Geoffrey McCormick.
Mick Jagger, Lulu, David Bowie & Geoffrey McCormick.
"I've just remembered that I never told you about the party I had at the Café Royal after my last concert, so I'll make this week's letter about that... Oh, what a night it turned out to be! Mick Jagger, Lou Reed, Jeff Beck, Lulu, Spike Milligan, Dana Gillespie, Ryan O'Neal, Elliott Gould, Ringo Starr and Barbra Streisand... all there at my last concert party at the luxurious Café Royal - everyone looking so lovely in their sparkling evening clothes and colourful make-up... dancing, sipping champagne and tasting delicious salmon and big fresh strawberries and cream. The disc jockey played lots of really good soul and rock 'n' roll records, and the dance floor was absolutely packed all night. Cherry Vanilla (my American publicist, a wonderful lady) fell off her gold platforms and split her strapless Chinese dress right up the front, but got up and just kept on dancing and grooving, black suspenders peaking out from newly-opened slit, and that ever wide smile on her face! I got a little off balance myself when Mick and Bianca and Angie and I were all dancing together to 'Honky Tonk Woman' - but managed to stay on my high heels for a few more songs. Most of the evening I spent answering everyone's questions about my decision to stop touring and concentrate on movies and recording. Angie and I arrived a little late because we had gone back to our hotel to change into our party clothes, and then got very involved in conversation with Mick and The Spiders and Gloria (my secretary) - you can't imagine how many telephone calls we received, even though we thought nobody knew where we were. When we made our entrance, Angie in a brand new chartreuse and brown knit ensemble by Freddy, me in my ice-blue iridescent Freddy suit, they announced us over the speaker system, and everyone stood up and applauded. Oh dear, I'm running out of space again. Looks like I'll have to save the rest for next week....."
"If you remember, last week I was telling you about that incredible, wild party at the Café Royal, or at least I hadn't got very far in telling you, so perhaps you didn't realise how fantastic it was! Well, I told you that when Angie and I made our entrance, everybody stood up and applauded! Although I'm certainly used to applause in a theatre and God knows I love the sound of it! - but in this instance I felt a little blushy and embarrassed - like the groom at a wedding reception. Angie held my hand tightly though, and gave me confidence (she always does) and together we walked to our places on the dais. They had a big velvet-covered king's chair for me, but after eating a little salad and some sliced turkey, I went down to the far end of the table to talk to Lulu and Jeff Beck. Jeff had jammed with us at the concert and in the rush to leave the theatre, I hadn't had the chance to tell him how fantastic he had been. Mick Ronson is such a Jeff Beck fan, and he was thrilled to have had the chance to play with him on stage. Lulu and I had a long conversation about her haircut, and about the possibility of our working together on a single, perhaps my producing her singing one of my songs! We were soon joined by Lou Reed, one of the greatest rock 'n' roll songwriters and singers of our time. He was very excited about how well things were going on his new album, and invited us all to drop by the studio for his next recording session a few nights later. Well, the hours rolled by, Cherry was still dancing, but Angie and I retired to our hotel suite where we ordered some tea and watched the sun rise over Hyde Park. And before drifting off into a deep and peaceful sleep I said a silent prayer of thanks for you, my wonderful and devoted fans whose loyalty and adoration over this past year have given me true cause for celebration." - taken from My World - by David Bowie (Mirabelle Magazine - 14th & 21st July 1973). Ghost-written by Cherry Vanilla - Bowie's publicist at the time.
Woody Woodmansey, Mick Jagger, David Bowie & Barry Bethel
The music press ponder Bowie's future
---This page last modified: 11/12/18---