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Semi-offocial picture disc sampler for a proposed but never realised 3CD collection of Bowie BBC material. This promo only sampler CD (NMC NMCD 0072) was made commercially available in July 1996 (released for one week) but was then withdrawn from sale in the UK due to a dispute over ownership rights. It was intended to be a sampler to a full 3CD set of David Bowie BBC sessions from 1969-1972. Following the dispute David Bowie bought back the sole rights to the material and it is now officially released as BOWIE AT THE BEEB (2000).
This sampler included 3 Ziggy-era songs (marked in red below) recorded for the BBC in 1972.
a - Hang Onto Yourself / b - Ziggy Stardust / c - Space Oddity / Andy Warhol / Waiting for the Man (Edited) / Interview with Brian Mathew / Let Me Sleep Beside You (Edited)
Time: 22.27
a Sounds of the Seventies (Recorded: 11 January 1972 - Broadcast: 28 January 1972)
b Top Gear (Recorded: 16 May 1972 - Broadcast: 23 May 1972)
c The Johnny Walker Show (Recorded 22 May 1972 - Not Broadcast)
See also: The BBC Sampler Image Gallery
---This page last modified: 27 Jan 2019---