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Key People involved in Ziggy Stardust
Cyrinda Foxe, Angie Bowie & Tony DeFries (US Tour 1972)
Tony De Fries
Pronounced De Freeze. Bowie's unconventional manager in 1970 after Kenneth Pitt who promised to make Bowie into a star within two years. DeFries is generally credited as being the main driving force behind Bowie's rapid move to superstar status. He considered that Bowie was potentially bigger then Dylan and marketed Bowie as a superstar before he was actually one - giving him stretch limousines to be driven around in, chauffeurs, bodyguards and press interviews at London's top hotels with champagne and caviar etc. All of this while Bowie rented his Haddon Hall flat at Beckenham for £7 a week. DeFries established the MainMan organisation to manage Bowie having previously been a partner in Gem, a management, production and record company.
Where is he now?
Reported to work in New York
---This page last modified: 12 Dec 2018---